From the hypothesis test, the value thitung = 1.5903 is smaller than ttable = 1.717 at the significance level of 5%. For the homogeneity test a value of X2 obs -5.1513 was obtained while DK =, thus it can be concluded that the data on students' mathematics learning achievement has the same or homogeneous variance. Thus the population is normally distributed. and after online learning Lobs = 0.1364 and L0,5 n= 0.173. For normality test before online learning using google classroom it was found that Lobs = 0.1216 smaller L0,5 n = 0.173. Analysis of the data used is the t-test for correlated samples. While this type of research is quantitative research with an experimental research approach. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of online learning by using google classroom in mathematics learning subjects at MA Darul Falah Batu Jangkih in the academic year 2019/2020.